About Carbon Creed
Why we chose the name “Carbon Creed” TM
We chose carbon to emphasize the role of data in the fight against climate change.
The scientific consensus is that anthropogenic (man-made) climate change is an existential threat to life on earth. Carbon emissions must be reduced and eliminated to avoid catastrophic disaster, which starts with data and benchmarking.
We chose creed because people must unite around core carbon values to mobilize climate action.
The word “creed” comes from credo, the Latin word that means “we believe.”
People may not believe man-made climate change is real.
Governments may not trust climate science.
Companies may believe in profits over people.
Our tribe believes that carbon must be measured and priced to prevent catastrophic climate change.
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About Walter McLeod
Hi, I am the founder and editor of Carbon Creed TM.
During the day, I spend my time as the Managing Partner of Eco Capitol Energy, where I advise corporations, governments, startups and think tanks on energy strategy and development. I recently helped secure approvals for a 500 MW solar farm in Virginia, the largest U.S. solar project east of the Rocky Mountains. I am also a clean tech investor and member of the Chemical Angels Network.
I found my “road to Damascus” 20 years ago when i left industry to form a coastal conservation nonprofit. There I created a coastal creed that was endorsed by the White House and adopted by over 150 governors, mayors, and counties. Ultimately, the creed became a resolution that was passed by unanimous consent in the 110th U.S. Congress.
As the creator of this decarbonizing concept, I promise to give you my best as we take this journey together.
"We are like tenant farmers chopping down the fence around our house for fuel when we should be using nature's inexhaustible sources of energy — sun, wind, and tide."
Thomas Edison