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Dear Sir or Peasant,

“Thank you for joining The Carbon Cult- even if you didn’t know you had”.

Resigning your membership will be about as easy as cancelling that full gym membership you didn’t want and never used.

Welcome to The Great Carbon Con-trol Club

Just as Mediaeval Popes made Galileo prostate himself before their golden throne and deny the truth they knew from Copernicus and Arab and Indian texts they supressed, that the earth orbited the sun.

So, “climate variation” is determined by many factors such 11-year solar cycles and measured in electromagnetic waves of millennia, not primarily by man-made CO2 “emissions”. And certainly not from a Hyundai i10 being driven by a bald man called “Reg” to a Lidl in Luton.

But why let the mere truth get in the way of a convenient orthodoxy.

The public are not told about the patterns by which global temperatures warm, and then carbon dioxide concentration rises. Nor the saturation of layers of the upper atmosphere which is inconveniently cooling the earth.

Which info-boggled Gen-Z can remember the coming of the “New Ice Age by 2001” predicted by “experts” in the 1960’s. Just keep scrolling the personalised News Feed till you find the truth you like.

As in 1633, drunk on power, the elites and the well-meaning know well, the Smartphone Bible-clasping peasants think they are beyond such deceit and ignorance.

They do not have time, nor are given the education, to “Do Complexity”.

The pointless as it is counterproductive pursuit of “Net Zero”, “Carbon Trading” and CO2 Emissions is, like the Con-vid Scamdemic, another Faux-Crisis we will never learn from.

It is global Groupthink. Political, a surrogate religion. The Carbon Cult. Whatever it is, it is not Science.

Carbon, unlike water vapour and methane, is easily measured. And if you measure you can Tax. Tax and you Control. So, in 1973, Rockefeller Commissions decreed to the UN that “Carbon” had been chosen. The new Carbon cult was born- before The Problem was created.

Used by the same self-perpetuating and unelected elites obsessed with controlling the populous, via artificial economic, tax and legal restraints and most cleverly of all, the sugary psychology of self-enforced social conformity.

There is no scientific “consensus”. (See Cook Report, Heartland Institute, Willie Soon et al).

You can buy the “Science”, as you can polls and public opinion.

Same superstition. Same heresy. Same power.

Drown the witches in Information.

Now the Golden Throne is social media and “public opinion”.

The only real “evidence”, the “proof”, is that you can fool all the people all the time.

That the rich will get richer- and freer- and the poor poorer.

Ever more confined by the sackcloth and ashes they love to smear over themselves. Even as they chant the self-flagellating Carbon Creed, promising not to drive more than 15 miles from home and eat their daily penance of Protein Insect Rice.

“I Believe, O Carbon-Neutral Lord, Save The Planet” …

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